For Authors
Book proposal submissions
How do I submit a manuscript?
Publishing Director
HSRC Press | AISA | BestRed
Private Bag X9182
Cape Town 8000
South Africa
T +27 (0)21 466 8026
F +27 (0)21 461 0836
Commissioning Editor
HSRC Press | AISA | BestRed
Private Bag X9182
Cape Town 8000
South Africa
T +27 (0)21 466 7878
F +27 (0)21 461 0836
How are prospective publications reviewed
All reviews are independent assessments of the full manuscript on a double-blind basis (anonymous author-anonymous reader) by at least two recognised specialists in the broad area of the manuscript’s focus, using the following criteria:
- the soundness and relevance of the social science scholarship to HSRC research priorities
- the importance of the subject matter and originality of the approach
- the strength of argument
- the clarity of the organisation and quality of the writing
- the clear theoretical framework, as well as conceptual coherence
Reviewers’ reports are submitted to our independent Editorial Board for consideration. The Board, in turn, makes recommendations on the publication or not of manuscripts under review.
Do you co-publish with other publishers?
Yes. The HSRC Press | AISA | BestRed has co-publishing partners across Africa and worldwide.
Who can I contact for more information?
Call the Publishing Director on +27 (0)21 466 8026 or Commissioning Editor on +27 (0)21 466 7878.