Richard Green in South African Film: Forging Creative New Directions

Richard Green in South African Film: Forging Creative New Directions

Richard Green in South African Film: Forging Creative New Directions

This book largely recounts the lifetime experience of Richard Green, a veteran film and TV producer. Green’s personal narrative is emblematic of the struggles, the negotiations, and the prevailing ideologies competing for position and dominance as the new South Africa began to emerge from the ravages of apartheid (1948-1990). This is a story of how big media capital in the then nascent form of the M-Net pay-tv channel opened a door in 1986 to the television and cinematic future that has since unfolded.

Best Red Living Biography

  • Product Information
  • Format: 216 x 138mm
  • Pages: 272
  • ISBN 13: 978-1-928246-60-2
  • Publish Year: BestRed
  • Rights: World Rights

This book largely recounts the lifetime experience of Richard Green, a veteran film and TV producer. Green’s personal narrative is emblematic of the struggles, the negotiations, and the prevailing ideologies competing for position and dominance as the new South Africa began to emerge from the ravages of apartheid (1948-1990). This is a story of how big media capital in the then nascent form of the M-Net pay-tv channel opened a door in 1986 to the television and cinematic future that has since unfolded.

Chapter 1. Writing the Selves – Keyan
Chapter 2: Film, Pay-Tv and the
Contradictions Apartheid, 1985-1990 –
Keyan Tomaselli
Chapter 3: Television, Resistance and the
Contradictions of Ideology – Keyan
Chapter 4: The Theory-Practice Interface –
Richard Green
Chapter 5: Negotiating the Transition into
Democratic South Africa – Richard Green
Chapter 6: New Directions: Getting Things
Done –Richard Green
Chapter 7: The Directors on new Directions
– Richard Green
Chapter 8: The Post-Democratic
Landscape: The Horror – Richard Green
Chapter 9: Psychoanalytic Film Theory,
Representing Shadow Selves – Keyan
Chapter 10: New Horisons / New Directions
Keyan G Tomaselli

Keyan G Tomaselli is Distinguished Professor, University of Johannesburg and Professor Emeritus and Fellow, University of KwaZulu-Natal. He is a member of the SA Academy of Science and recipient of the Legends and Heroes award, The Simon Mabhunu Sabela Film Awards. He is also a Fellow of the International Communicology Institute, editor of Critical Arts and co-editor of Journal of African Cinemas.

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