Burning to Be Men? Conspicuous Consumption as a Performance of Masculinity in the Activities of Izikhothane in Thembisa is a book that provides an ethnographic account of the role of consumption in the performance of masculinities within the subculture of ukukhothana - a phenomenon of which involves township youths who predominantly come from impoverished economic backgrounds who engage in conspicuous consumption. This subculture first gained notoriety in South African townships in the early 2000s.
Burning to Be Men? Conspicuous Consumption as a Performance of Masculinity in the Activities of Izikhothane in Thembisa is a book that provides an ethnographic account of the role of consumption in the performance of masculinities within the subculture of ukukhothana - a phenomenon of which involves township youths who predominantly come from impoverished economic backgrounds who engage in conspicuous consumption. This subculture first gained notoriety in South African townships in the early 2000s. The adherence of ukukhothana is known for buying expensive clothes, alcohol, dancing, and trash talking to each other during mock battles. This book is uniquely positioned to be the first in South Africa that provides an in-depth and extensive description of a post-apartheid subculture as there is no such a book that has been published yet. Burning to be men? is a book that grapples with the complexities of consumption as it particularly relates to the performance of youth masculinities. This is an ethnographic account of what it means to be a young man within a consumerist post-apartheid South African township without financial privileges.
Chapter 1: Ukukhothana: A post-apartheid subculture
Chapter 2: Academic perspectives on ukukhothana
Chapter 3: Consumption, masculinities, and izikhothane
Chapter 4: Rehumanisation through consumption
Chapter 5: Booty on fire: Looking at izikhothane through the Veblenian lens.
Chapter 6: Burning to consume? Conspicuous consumption versus aspirational consumption
Chapter 7: On Gender Performativity: Masculinities and social psychology
Chapter 8: Aspirational masculinities: Consumption, masculinities and being a Good Fella
Chapter 9: Consumption and social change
Chapter 10: Conclusion: Is manhood for sale?