Although a great deal of attention is focused on Africa’s economic failures and political instability, a factual compendium such as this, the 16th edition of Africa at a Glance, serves as a reminder of the many positive achievements which need to be appreciated. This compilation has been issued since 1968.
Although a great deal of attention is focused on Africa’s economic failures and political instability, a factual compendium such as this, the 16th edition of Africa at a Glance, serves as a reminder of the many positive achievements which need to be appreciated. This compilation has been issued since 1968. It has been prepared to fulfil the need for an up-to-date and concise compendium of published but not readily accessible data on the countries of Africa. Every effort has been made to provide the most current as well as authoritative information. Apart from presenting the latest available data, new tables, maps and diagrams have been added. Attention may be drawn particularly to the inclusion of new tables in Section Two: Poverty and Selected Risk Indicators. While the raison d’être of the Africa Institute of South Africa is the conducting and dissemination of scholarly research, it is also concerned with the collection and dissemination of statistical and other factual data about the African continent.The present issue of Africa at a Glance serves the latter purpose.
Editorial Notes
Chapter 1: Introductory Data
Country Checklist
Island States and Dependencies
Official and Other Languages
Geographical Data
Chapter 2: Social Data
Global Population Growth
African Populations
Countries Ranked According to Size (Population and Territory)
Urban Populations
Africa’s Major Cities
Human Development Ratings
Adult Literacy and School Enrolment
Life Expectancy and Child Mortality
Selected Risk Indicators
Chapters 3: Economic Data
Regional Economic Groupings
Currencies and Exchange Rates
Gross National Income (GNI) and Purchasing Power Parity (GNI)
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Composition of GDP and GDP Growth
External Merchandise Trade
External Debt
Development Aid
Foreign Direct Investment
Transport (Selected Indicators)
Power and Communications (Selected Indicators)
Chapter 4: Political Data
Africa’s Present Leaders
Previous and Forthcoming Elections
Military Strength
Democracy Index 2014
Selected Sources