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HSRC Press publishes relevant and innovative research-based books with impact on South Africa, Africa and the world. Our scholarship covers the social sciences and humanities in South Africa and Africa. Our books are peer-reviewed through an independent Editorial Board to ensure the highest quality content, and world-class research publications
Our double-blind peer review processes are rigorous, resulting in robust, relevant and high quality scholarly books. The distinctive quality of our books, from the content to the editorial and production processes, is at the heart of our brand.
HSRC Press also has a strong footprint in African countries through affiliations with organisations such as CODESRIA. HSRC Press has grown to become the leading scholarly publisher in Africa and also has a strong global presence, with direct sales representation on three continents and online representation worldwide and 24 hours a day through its open access digital platform.
Our books present seminal scholarship, and we are very often at the forefront of topics that are of current or crucial social importance.
AISA publications is the leading voice of African scholarship in South Africa. It is the window into African affairs. It is also well-known for publishing interesting books which are led by the African fellows through the research programme, Africa Institute of South Africa, a research programme in the Human Sciences Research Council. WE publish books, monographs, policy briefs as well as an International Bibliography of Social Sciences (IBSS) listed and the South African Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) accredited journal, Africa Insight.
HSRC Press also has an imprint for publishing general academic non-fiction books. To see some of our captivating armchair reads, click on the link below: