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The Security-Development Nexus

The Security-Development Nexus

Expressions of Sovereignty and Securitization in Southern Africa A broad range of scholars rediscovered the link between security and development after 9/11. Focusing on southern Africa, The Security-Development Nexus shows that the much-debated linkage is by no means a recent invention. Rather, the security/development linkage has been an important element of the state policies of colonial and post-colonial regimes during the Cold War, and it seems to prosper in new configurations under the present wave of democratic transitions.

Africa Open Access

  • Product Information
  • Format: 145mm x 210mm
  • Pages: 288
  • ISBN 13: 978-07969-2184-0
  • Publish Year: HSRC Press
  • Rights: World Rights

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Expressions of Sovereignty and Securitization in Southern Africa A broad range of scholars rediscovered the link between security and development after 9/11. Focusing on southern Africa, The Security-Development Nexus shows that the much-debated linkage is by no means a recent invention. Rather, the security/development linkage has been an important element of the state policies of colonial and post-colonial regimes during the Cold War, and it seems to prosper in new configurations under the present wave of democratic transitions. Contributors focus on various contexts from South Africa, Mozambique and Namibia to Zimbabwe and the Democratic Congo. They explore the nexus and our understanding of security and development through the prism of peace-keeping interventions, community policing, human rights, gender, land contests, squatters, nation and state-building, social movements, disarmament and reintegration programmes, and the different trajectories democratization has taken in different parts of the region.

The Security-Development Nexus (Lars Buur, Steffen Jensen and Finn Stepputat)

You Do Need a Stick to Be Able to Use It Gently: The South African Armed Forces in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Thomas Mandrup Jrgensen)
The Nationalist Imperative: South Africanisation, Regional Integration and Mobile Livelihoods (Steffen Jensen and Lars Buur)
Namibias Pariah Heroes, Swapo Ex-Combatants Between the Liberation Gospel and Security Interests (Lalli Metsola and Henning Melber)

The Intertwined History of Security and Development: The Case of Developmental Struggles in South Africas Townships (Lars Buur)
The Politics of Policing: Recapturing Zones of Confusion in Rural Post-War Mozambique (Helene Maria Kyed)
Militarising Politics and Development: The Case of Post-Independence Namibia (Guy Lamb)
Struggling for the City: Evictions in Inner-City Johannesburg (Jacob Rasmussen)

Through the Lens of Crime: Land Claims and Contestations of Citizenship on the Frontier of the South African State (Steffen Jensen)
Criminality, Security and Development: Post-Colonial Reversals in Zimbabwes Margins (Amanda Hammar)
Post-Apartheid South Africa Gender, Rights and the Politics of Recognition: New Avenues for Old Forms of Violence? (Tina Sideris)

Lars Buur and Finn Stepputat are Senior Researchers at the Danish Institute for International Studies.

Steffen Jensen is Senior Researcher at the Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Survivors and teaches International Development Studies at Roskilde University.

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