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The Architect and the Scaffold

The Architect and the Scaffold

Evolution and education in South Africa Over 90 per cent of the goods we use – from smartphones to the fuel in our cars – are transported by ships. The cargo shipping industry is the most globalised industry in the world, yet we know very little about the context in which these ships operate or the ways in which seafaring labour is organised.

Education and skills development Open Access

  • Product Information
  • Format: 168mm x 230mm (Soft Cover)
  • Pages: 171
  • ISBN 13: 978-07969-2003-4
  • Publish Year: HSRC Press
  • Rights: World Rights

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Evolution and education in South Africa Over 90 per cent of the goods we use – from smartphones to the fuel in our cars – are transported by ships. The cargo shipping industry is the most globalised industry in the world, yet we know very little about the context in which these ships operate or the ways in which seafaring labour is organised. Drawing on evidence from South Africa and the Philippines, Waves of Change provides an account of globalisation, seafaring labour markets and the state that allows us to understand how processes of globalisation unfold in this industry. The author shows that globalisation does not always mean a 'race to the bottom' for workers: labour solidarity and interventionist states shape globalisation as much as ship owners. Scholars, policymakers, students, and those interested in globalisation and labour will find Waves of Change a revelatory account of an industry about which little is generally known. highlights the complex, often poorly understood world of the global shipping industry and the seafarers who carry more than 90% of the world's trade by volume. As one of the oldest global industries, the book challenges the simplistic capitalistic and neoclassical ideals that subsequently argue for nation-states to leave the commercial fate of any domestic shipping industry to global market forces. Instead, the author asks many critical questions. Most profound being if nations rely on shipping so heavily global markets are so turbulent, and equilibrium so elusive, why have so many governments abandoned shipping industry reform? This impressive book challenges us to ask why nations are passively ignoring the social and economic benefits derived from a properly regulated, competitive shipping industry manned by seafarers who are not only competent but recognised for their contribution to a nation's success. Dr Marcus Bowles Director of the Institute for Working Futures and Professor at the Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania

Wilmot James

A Tribute to Stephen Jay Gould
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Wilmot James and Lynne Wilson

Science, Evolution and Schooling in South Africa

  1. Science, Evolution and Schooling in South Africa
    Jeffrey Lever
  2. Comment and Response to Science, Evolution and Schooling in South Africa
    Wieland Gevers
  3. Religion, Science and Evolution in South Africa: The Politics and Construction of the Revised National Curriculum Statement for Schools (Grades R – 9)
    Linda Chisholm
  4. Science, Evolution, Religion and Education – Creating Opportunities for Learning in South Africa’s Schools
    Naledi Pandor
  5. Alternative Sense-making Strategies – Can our Schools handle the Challenge?
    Bernard C. Lategan

Evolution, Creationism, Indigenous Knowledge

  1. The Evolution/Creationism Debate: Insights and Implications from the Indigenous Knowledge Systems Perspective
    Catherine Odora Hoppers
  2. Islamic Discourse on Evolution: Response to Science, Evolution and Schooling in South Africa by Jeffrey Lever
    Abdulkader Tayob
  3. Evolution, Creationism, Indigenous Knowledge: A Comment from a Somewhat Dissident Jewish Perspective
    Denis Davis
  4. Christianity and Evolution
    David Chidester

Biology, Evolution, Curriculum Development and Publishing

  1. The Structure of the Natural Sciences Learning Area Statement and Opportunities within it for the Teaching and Learning of Evolution
    Dev Isaac
  2. Science, Evolution and Book Publishing: A Publisher’s Dilemma
    Fathima Dada
  3. Challenges of Writing about Evolution in School Textbooks
    Colleen Dawson

The Genome, Biology and Education

  1. Science, Genomics and Education in South Africa
    Kader Asmal

About the Authors

Dr Wilmot James is an Honorary Professor in the Division of Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1982) and is the author or editor of 13 books. Dr James was formerly an Executive Director of the Human Sciences Research Council, a Dean of Humanities at the University of Cape Town, an Executive Director of the Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA) and a Professor of Sociology at the University of Cape Town. He has held visiting positions at Yale University, Indiana University, the American Bar Foundation and, as an Associate Editor, the Cape Argus. He most recently was Moore Distinguished Visiting Professor of History and Sociology at California Institute of Technology.

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