South African Science Education Research

South African Science Education Research

An indexed bibliography 1930-2000 This first-ever and user-friendly indexed bibliography of South African science education research over the past 70 years is indispensable. Its broad subject index of 450 keywords makes it a handy reference. Academics, students, educators, policymakers, and curriculum and materials developers will find a wealth of material: journal articles, books, chapters in books, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations from diverse sources - even abstracts are included where available. 'The bibliography also lists exact citation details for specific research.

Education and skills development Open Access

  • Product Information
  • Format: 207mm x 292mm
  • Pages: 546
  • ISBN 13: 978-07969-2016-4
  • Rights: World Rights

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An indexed bibliography 1930-2000 This first-ever and user-friendly indexed bibliography of South African science education research over the past 70 years is indispensable. Its broad subject index of 450 keywords makes it a handy reference. Academics, students, educators, policymakers, and curriculum and materials developers will find a wealth of material: journal articles, books, chapters in books, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations from diverse sources - even abstracts are included where available. 'The bibliography also lists exact citation details for specific research.

1. Introduction
2. Bibliography
3. Subject Index
4. Author & Editor Index

Senior Education Lecturer at the University of Cape Town, Dr Rdiger Laugksch has conducted research in the natural and the social sciences. He has been involved in science teacher education for the past 15 years. Dr Laugksch established the Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education at the University of the North in 1988.

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