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South African National HIV Prevalence, Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey, 2008

South African National HIV Prevalence, Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey, 2008

South African National HIV Prevalence, Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey, 2008

A Turning Tide Among Teenagers? South Africa's first national household seroprevalence survey of HIV and AIDS was conducted in 2002. A second survey was completed in 2005, and this was the third in 2008. This report provides an analysis of trends across the three surveys and begins to map the ways in which the shape of the pandemic in South Africa has changed since 2002. Indicators for assessing mid-term progress made in implementing South Africa's National Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS, 2007/2011, are also provided.  

Health and wellbeing Open Access

  • Product Information
  • Format: 280mm x 210mm (Soft Cover)
  • Pages: 120
  • ISBN 13: 978-07969-2291-5
  • Rights: World Rights

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A Turning Tide Among Teenagers? South Africa's first national household seroprevalence survey of HIV and AIDS was conducted in 2002. A second survey was completed in 2005, and this was the third in 2008. This report provides an analysis of trends across the three surveys and begins to map the ways in which the shape of the pandemic in South Africa has changed since 2002. Indicators for assessing mid-term progress made in implementing South Africa's National Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS, 2007/2011, are also provided. These findings will continue to inform policies and programmes with updated statistics and information, which will be invaluable to policy-makers and strategic planners, health professionals, the media, researchers, and academics.

Acronyms and abbreviations
Executive summary

1. Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Purpose of the report
2. Methodology
2.1 Study design
2.2 Study population
2.3 Sampling
2.4 Sample size estimation
2.5 Measures
2.6 Ethical considerations
2.6.1 Informed consent procedures
2.6.2 Procedures to ensure confidentiality
2.6.3 Motivation for conducting anonymous HIV testing
2.6.4 Provision of HIV testing and counselling
2.6.5 Other ethical considerations
2.7 Fieldwork Procedures
2.7.1 Specimen collection
2.7.2 Quality control of fieldwork
2.8 Community Mobilisation for Fieldwork
2.9 Laboratory Methods
2.9.1 Specimen tracking
2.9.2 HIV antibody testing
2.9.3 HIV incidence testing
2.9.4 Detection of antiretroviral drugs
2.10 HIV incidence among 1520 year olds derived from single-year age prevalence
2.11 Weighting of the sample
2.12 Data management and analysis

3. Results
3.1 Assessment of 2008 survey data
3.1.1 Generalisability of the survey results
3.1.2 Response analysis
3.2 National indicators for assessing progress in achieving NSP targets
3.2.1 HIV prevalence
3.2.2 HIV incidence
3.2.3 Behavioural determinants of HIV
3.2.4 Awareness of HIV status
3.2.5 Knowledge of HIV/AIDS
3.2.6 Exposure to HIV communication programmes
4. Discussion
4.1 HIV prevalence
4.2 HIV incidence
4.3 Behavioural determinants
4.3.1 Sexual debut
4.3.2 Intergenerational sex
4.3.3 Multiple sexual partners
4.3.4 Condom use
4.4 Awareness of HIV status
4.5 Knowledge of HIV transmission
4.6 Exposure to HIV and AIDS communication programmes
4.7 Strengths and limitations of the study
4.7.1 Strengths
4.7.2 Limitations
5. Conclusions and recommendations
5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Recommendations
Appendix 1: HIV prevalence by sex, age, race and province, South Africa 2008
Appendix 2: Primary indicators in the NSP for which HSRC is responsible
Appendix 3 Performance against UNGASS Indicators
Appendix 4: Performance against MDG indicators
Appendix 5: Quality control of HIV testing
Appendix 6: List of field staff

Contributors to this report were located at various organisations, including the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), Medical Research Council (MRC), Centre for AIDS Development, Research and Evaluation (CADRE) and National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), among others

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