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Language Assessment and the National Qualifications Framework

Language Assessment and the National Qualifications Framework

Language Assessment and the National Qualifications Framework

Key features of the proposed National Qualifications Framework (NQF), together with the striving for curriculum renewal, pose a range of tough challenges around structuring the assessment of language development. The conference aimed to explore language policy in relation to the NQF proposals and their implications for implementing language education for schooling, adult basic education (ABE), and training.

Open Access

  • Product Information
  • Format: 205mm x 292mm
  • Pages: 120
  • ISBN 13: 978-07969-1748-5
  • Rights: World Rights

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Conference proceedings: 12 October 1995 Key features of the proposed National Qualifications Framework (NQF), together with the striving for curriculum renewal, pose a range of tough challenges around structuring the assessment of language development. The conference aimed to explore language policy in relation to the NQF proposals and their implications for implementing language education for schooling, adult basic education (ABE), and training. The conference was not seen in any way as a policy-setting event but as a platform for opening up informed debate on language and the NQF. Issues discussed in these proceedings include competency-based education and training, standards and levels in language assessment, and an approach to language assessment in ABET. Papers published in the proceedings are discussion documents rather than formal academic papers. Points raised from the floor in the plenary have also been recorded as thematic categories. These include outcomes-based adult basic education and training, assessment and curriculum, language education, language paradigms, and the NQF.

  1. Introductory comments: Language assessment and the NQF – Edward French (IEB) & Ihron Rensburg (Department of Education)
  2. The NQF: Challenges in the language field – Schalk Engelbrecht & Gerard Schuring (HSRC)
  3. Language education and the National Qualifications Framework: An introduction to competency-based education and training – Daryl McLean (USWE)
  4. Standards and levels in language assessment – Paul Musker, Sebolelo Nomvete (ELTIC)
  5. The assessment of language outcomes in ABET: Implications of an approach – Elizabeth Burroughs, Melissa Vieyra-King, Gabi Witthaus (IEB)
  6. Issues raised in plenary: Summary – Conference participants
  7. Summing Up – Drawing the issues together: in the context of language education policy – Neville Alexander (PRAESA)
  8. Summing up – Drawing the issues together: in the context of the NQF – Jeanne Gamble (UCT)
  9. Concluding comments – Chair: Khetsi Lehoko
  10. List of participants

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