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Government Incentivisation of Higher Education

Government Incentivisation of Higher Education

Government Incentivisation of Higher Education

Industry Research Partnerships in South Africa. An Audit of THRIP and the Innovation Fund Working Partnerships: Higher Education, Industry and Innovation This research monograph is part of a series that explores how higher education and industry have formed research partnerships to promote innovation in biotechnology, ICT and new materials development in response to global trends and national policy imperatives. The series examines these partnerships in relation to knowledge production, enterprise productivity and innovation and considers the extent to which network practices operate in South Africa.

Education and skills development Open Access

  • Product Information
  • Format: 208mm x 289mm
  • Pages: 182
  • ISBN 13: 978-07969-2038-6
  • Publish Year: HSRC Press
  • Rights: World Rights

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Industry Research Partnerships in South Africa. An Audit of THRIP and the Innovation Fund Working Partnerships: Higher Education, Industry and Innovation This research monograph is part of a series that explores how higher education and industry have formed research partnerships to promote innovation in biotechnology, ICT and new materials development in response to global trends and national policy imperatives. The series examines these partnerships in relation to knowledge production, enterprise productivity and innovation and considers the extent to which network practices operate in South Africa. The Research Programme on Human Resources Development (HRD) at the HSRC authored the report. This Programme provides state-of-the-art information on HRD and aims to inform the development of skills that will meet national social and economic needs. In addition to producing a biennial HRD directory and an internet-accessible, cross-sectoral data warehouse, the Research Programme undertakes user-driven research focusing on further and higher education and training and on science, technology and education, with a strong emphasis on learning pathways - especially the transition between different levels of education and training, and between education and work.

Introduction and methodology

Section A: Introduction to government-funded projects
3.Introduction and Background to THRIP and the Innovation Fund

Section B: Higher education-industry partnerships
4.Investigating Partnerships

Section C: About government-funded projects
5.Partnership Projects
6.Partnership Expenditure
7.The Industry Partners
8.The Higher Education Partners
9.The Researchers

Section D: The contribution of government-incentivised partnership projects
10.Research Networks
11.The Outputs
12.Government-Funded Projects

Section E: Conclusion




Prepared by the Human Resources Development Research Programme of HSRC

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