From SASO to SANSCO, 1968-1990 What role have Black Consciousness student political organisations, the South African National Students' Congress (SANSCO) and the South African Students' Organisation (SASO), played in education, politics, and society? This book analyses the ideologies, politics, and organisation of SASO and SANSCO and their intellectual, political, and social determinants. It also analyses factors shaping their activities.
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From SASO to SANSCO, 1968-1990 What role have Black Consciousness student political organisations, the South African National Students' Congress (SANSCO) and the South African Students' Organisation (SASO), played in education, politics, and society? This book analyses the ideologies, politics, and organisation of SASO and SANSCO and their intellectual, political, and social determinants. It also analyses factors shaping their activities.
Abbreviations used in the text
1. Introduction: Interpreting the Character, Role and Significance of SASO and SANSCO: A Conceptual Framework
PART ONE Black man, you are on your own: The South African Students Organisation, 1968 to 1977
2. From Crisis to Stability to Crisis: The Apartheid Social Order and Black Higher Education, 1960 to 1976-1977
3. SASO: The Ideology and Politics of Black Consciousness
4. SASO on the Attack: Organisation, Mobilisation and Collective Action
5. The Character, Role and Significance of SASO
PART TWO The Freedom Charter is our Beacon: The South African National Students Congress, 1976/1977 to 1990
6. Reform, Repression and Mass Resistance: South Africa, 1976-1977 to 1990
7. SANSCO: The Ideology and Politics of Non-Racialism, the Freedom Charter and National Liberation
8. Creative Organisers rather than Powerful Speakers: Education as a Site of Struggle
9. Peoples Education and Peoples Power: Mobilisation and Collective Action
10. The Character, Role and Significance of SANSCO
Appendix 1: SASO Policy Manifesto
Appendix 2: SANSCO Constitution and Policy Document