Grade 12 learner destinations one year on This monograph is the sequel to Studying Ambitions: Pathways from Grade 12 and the Factors that Shape Them, which investigated the aspirations for future study and/or work of 20 659 grade 12 learners across South Africa in 2005. Ambitions Revised: Grade 12 learner destinations one year on tracks the same cohort of learners into their destinations one year later. The subset of those who enrolled in teacher education programmes was particularly interesting to the research team.
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Grade 12 learner destinations one year on This monograph is the sequel to Studying Ambitions: Pathways from Grade 12 and the Factors that Shape Them, which investigated the aspirations for future study and/or work of 20 659 grade 12 learners across South Africa in 2005. Ambitions Revised: Grade 12 learner destinations one year on tracks the same cohort of learners into their destinations one year later. The subset of those who enrolled in teacher education programmes was particularly interesting to the research team. The extremely low levels of interest in teaching first observed in a similar 2002 HSRC study are confirmed here a finding which has implications for sustainable teacher supply and for the health of an education system upon which the country's future depends. The study is the first in South Africa to reveal the post-matric destinations, including the labour market outcomes of a nationally representative cohort of learners. As such, it will interest policy-makers and planners in various fields across the public and private sectors. Ambitions Revised: Grade 12 learner destinations one year on is part of the Teacher Education in South Africa series. The series documents a wide-ranging set of research projects on teacher education conducted by the Education, Science and Skills Development research programme within the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) as part of a consortium of research partners. A comprehensive investigation of the dynamics shaping the professional development of educators, the series provides important reading for educationists, academics and policy-makers.
Tables and figures
Series preface
Project preface
Acronyms and abbreviations
Executive summary
1. Introduction
Organisation of the report
2. Review of the literature
Student choice behaviour, learner aspirations and learner pathways Teacher recruitment and retention
3. The research problem
Research questions
Research hypotheses
4. The research design
Questionnaire design
Response rates
Data analysis
5. Learners destinations
Present study and work situation
Factors affecting student enrolment in a specified higher education institution
7. Students in further education and training
Students enrolled in an FET college
Students enrolled in a private FET institution
Factors affecting enrolment in an FET institution
8. Learners still at school
9. Professional aspiration
Factors affecting preference for a specified profession
10. Enrolment in education programmes in higher education
11. Learners not studying
12. Employment
Profile of the employed
Profile of the unemployed
13. Experiences of 2006
First-year students experiences of 2006
All learners experiences of 2006
14. Interpretation of key findings
Translation of aspiration into enrolment
The school-to-labour market transition
Testing the hypotheses
15. Conclusion
Assessing the aspirations gap
Enhancing teacher recruitment
Appendix 1: Grade 12 learner destination questionnaire